Coworker Ass Licking Mp4


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We've been putting in long hours at the office.. We decide to meet over the weekend at my place to work on this intense project where the deadline is looming. I'm going over the stats we researched earlier in the week when I notice that you seem distracted. I know we've been working a lot of over time, but we really need to push through this to finish this project. But no matter how much I try to redirect you, it's not working. I decide…you know what…I could use a break too. I pull my skirt off, panties up, and heels off. I lay on m back, spread my legs wide, and pull my ass cheeks open. I know this is what you want! Come on over here and eat my ass. Fuck! This feels so good! I play with my pussy as you shove your tongue deep into my asshole until I cum really hard!!Dang! That was amazing!! We clearly needed that break. Now it's back to work for the both of us!